Conrad Linda Rodzina Gentrych 02 Niespodzianka
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Frank Kmietowicz Bogomilcy w Polsce
0886. Jameson Bronwyn W poszukiwaniu wspomnieśÂ„
Verne Juliusz W Puszczach Afryki
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May Karol W lochach Babilonu

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    massaging treat that made Blondie groan. At that moment Blondie’s
    body seized up for a split second, and a thick spurt of his delight shot
    from the plump head of his cock to land on the sawdust. He uttered a
    low, rolling growl, and the two of them continued to rub together,
    their cocks mating until suddenly another spew from each one soaked
    the sawdust between them.
    Afterward, their mouths melded as if they’d been designed to
    mate. Blondie had learned that kisses were often disappointing, but
    with Johnny, kissing could be an art form. Skillful, beautiful,
    passionate, and even emotional, since many times his experience with
    Johnny had been so wonderful he’d almost come to tears. It had been
    so long since a man held him the way Johnny did. So long since a
    man had satisfied him like Johnny did. The downside was, when
    Johnny knew he pleased Blondie, he could be as cocky as hell, but on
    him it looked good—like those bitching leather pants he wore.
    They were just straightening their clothes when someone called
    out Johnny’s name.
    “Hey, Johnny! You here?”
    “Over here, Peppe. What’s goin’ on?”
    Peppe walked up, looked over at Blondie, and winked. “Hi,
    darlin’. You come up to see this big bazooka in action? He’ll thrill
    you right down to your toes.”
    “He already did.”
    Kelly Conrad
    “Yeah?” Peppe said as his radar went up. He quickly dropped his
    gaze to Blondie’s clothes and noticed that he was slightly covered in
    sawdust. He gave Blondie a lopsided smile. “Sawdust becomes you.”
    “Listen you—”
    “Damn!” Johnny said, interrupting Blondie. “Would you two pull
    in your claws for a moment so we can get on with this?”
    “He started it,” Peppe said like a pouting child.
    When he said that, Blondie just looked at him like he was the
    stupidest man on earth.
    Peppe turned his back on Blondie with a huff, and said, “Say,
    Johnny, I knew you were going to be here, so I set up a photo shoot.”
    “Now? Today? Without any warning?”
    “It has to be today, babe. They’re not available again for another
    month, and that’ll be too late. Anyway, I took the chance that I could
    catch you while you were doing your practice run. You have the time,
    don’t you?”
    “Well, it’ll be a little tight, but I guess I can make up the time
    He looked down at what Johnny was wearing. “Great. Leather
    pants.” He looked around. “How about your leather jacket? You
    know, the one with the blaze on the back. I love it. You’ll be so hot
    you’ll set the place on fire.” He leaned his head toward Johnny
    conspiratorially and put his hand up beside his mouth as if he didn’t
    want Blondie to hear. “By the way, I understand the photographer’s a
    fan of yours, so flirt a little, okay?”
    Johnny cut his gaze toward Blondie, who was clearly not liking
    When their eyes met, Blondie said, “I’ll be waiting for you out
    “You’re making this difficult for me, Peppe.”
    “Why? Because of your friend there? Tell him to grow up. You’re
    in the spotlight now, and he’s just going to have to get used to sharing
    Sheik of the Streets
    “Okay, okay. So where do you want me?”
    “In front of the Wall of Death. He’ll probably want a few shots of
    you on your Harley.”
    Johnny followed Peppe outside. When he went through the door,
    his eyes widened when he saw a crowd of people. “What the hell is
    this, Peppe?”
    “Now don’t get upset. These are just some people that want to
    watch, that’s all.”
    “You’re not charging admission, are you?”
    Peppe laughed. “Damn, I must be slipping. That never occurred to
    me. Oh, well. It’s too late now.”
    “Is it always like this?”
    “Not always, but you’re popular, and word is out on the streets
    now that you’re opening your show soon. We’re really going to pack
    ’em in that night. I can’t wait.”
    “You’ve already spread the word? Where?”
    “Local, and in some parts of the city.”
    Johnny was getting nervous. He’d never thought until now that
    when Peppe put the word out it might get out to the wrong people. He
    looked over at Blondie, at the shock of blond hair that stood out like a
    burning flame, and could tell by his eyes that he was scared. Damn.
    This was his own fault. The damage had been done, and if word had
    reached Panther and his Disciples, he and Blondie were like sitting
    ducks. He held on to the fact that maybe word hadn’t reached the
    city’s ghetto, so right now all he could do was get through this shoot
    the best way he could. As they stared at each other, he tried to convey
    a message with his eyes that everything would be okay, but he had a
    feeling that Blondie wasn’t buying it. He had an insane urge to grab
    Blondie and run, but he’d made a commitment, signed a contract, and
    he was trapped. Hell, he couldn’t have been more trapped if he’d had
    his feet stuck in dried cement.
    “Let’s get this done, Peppe,” Johnny said.
    Kelly Conrad
    After almost two hours of action shots, suddenly a woman came
    up and stood beside Johnny and sort of melted in his arms as he stood
    beside his motorcycle. With her million dollar smile, her exaggerated
    sway, and her suggestive poses, he could tell she was a model just
    doing her job.
    “Stand closer to him, Candy,” the photographer called out. “And
    darling, no kissing this time. That’ll come later.”
    Johnny glanced over at Blondie, who was granite-faced as he
    watched this display.
    “All right, darling, put your arms around him and look at him like
    he’s the most handsome man in the world. That’s right,” the
    photographer said as he snapped one picture after the other.
    After their shoot was over, the cute blonde said, “Thank you Mr. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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