Arthur D Howden & Robert Louis Stevenson Porto Bello Gold (pdf)
Kościuszko_Robert_ _Wojownik_Trzech_Światów_03_ _Tata
Czarna Legenda Dziejów Polski – Jerzy Robert Nowak
18. Roberts Nora Pokusa 02 Rajska jabłoń
C Howard Robert Conan i Bogowie Bal Sagoth
Roberts Nora Irlandzka trylogia 02 Łzy księżyca
Chazan, Robert God, Humanity, and History
091. Nora Roberts Przerwana gra
Nora Roberts Klucz odwagi
Nora Roberts Tajemnicza gwiazda

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    ice. No icerug was in sight, and soon the still-falling sleet and snow covered
    the stiffening carcass.
    On the way back, Deirdre's long sight glimpsed another large object
    some distance away, and she hurried over to examine it. A little closer she
    slowed down; the object was evidently another coelashark, but this one was in
    poor condition.
    "Must have been ejected a few weeks ago," thought Deirdre. "Decay is
    advancing nicely." The body of the fish had softened in outline and looked
    pulpy. There was a sort of greenish-brown, seaweed-colored pus oozing from
    several places in the flesh, and only a biologist would have used the word
    'nicely'. She looked at the spectacle with detached interest and curiosity,
    and then the hair on the back of her neck tingled with the strangest of
    thoughts; how, in this land of perpetual snow and frost, could the coelashark
    be decaying? With scrupulous care, she collected a sample of the pus and a
    portion of the less rotten flesh, and returned to the others. As they hurried
    back to _Victoria_, she presented them with the question that was baffling
    her: why was the coelashark decaying at all? The bits and pieces of the one
    they had dissected were already freezing solid, but the isolated specimen she
    had found, untouched for some time, was rotting. Cinnamon was as puzzled as
    Deirdre by the phenomenon, but Katrina put it aside.
    "We'll know a lot more when I can get these samples under the tunneling
    array microscope," she assured them confidently. "We'll get all the answers
    Deirdre shook her head. "It's a touching faith you have, in your
    equipment, Katrina. And terrible good it is, too, on showing us _what_. Yet
    it's at a bit of a loss, is it not, at telling us _why_?"
    David monitored their transfer through the airlock. Deirdre handed him
    her collection of sample bags to store in the Christmas Branch's cold storage
    container while she took off her exploration suit.
    "This looks like a bag of gacky pus," remarked David, holding it up to
    the light. "I've never seen an uglier color in my life."
    "It _is_ pus," said Deirdre coolly. "And to a biologist, no color is
    * * * *
    As the time for the expected largest eruption neared, the three biologists
    talked with the flouwen about the advisability of another expedition to the
    sea bottom.
    "We'd like to have you watch the behavior of the coelasharks," said
    Cinnamon. "To try to understand how many of them are affected by the worms and
    commit suicide. The parasites can't make _all_ the coelasharks do it, or soon
    there would be no hosts for future generations of worms. There must be some
    coelasharks that are resistant and engage in reproductive behavior -- and the
    time of the highest tides might be the trigger -- as it is for many ocean
    dwellers on Earth. Perhaps you can catch them in the act."
    "But it's really dangerous," worried Katrina. "The big coelasharks are
    very strong, but _they_ get caught in those eruptions and killed."
    *Coelasharks DUMB!* scoffed Little Red.
    #Yes, they are,# agreed Little Purple. #Mean, and strong, but stupid.#
    "You must keep in contact through the sonar-radio transponder link at
    all times," insisted Katrina. "And take extremely good care not to get into a
    battle with the coelasharks. Even if you didn't get hurt, it might distract
    you from the danger of the eruption."
    "Besides, you've a serious job to do down there," said Cinnamon
    soothingly. "We want you to watch the coelasharks who _don't_ go near the
    geyser, and see if any of them are pairing off, or chasing each other without
    trying to bite, or producing eggs, or small replicas of themselves."
    Page 145
    ABC Amber Palm Converter,
    The instructions and warnings continued all the time the flouwen were
    suiting up. Thomas and Josephine had calculated that the Dragonfly had just
    two hours to take the flouwen to the lake, put them in the water, and fly to
    safety beyond the reach of this highest eruption.
    Arielle was adamant about the timing of this mission: "Fish, rocks,
    seaweed, all _kinds_ of junk fall out there! I not like dents in Dragonfly!"
    The flight to the seashore was uneventful, and as the humans and flouwen
    exited the airlock, they paused briefly, to look at the flat dark water. Its
    surface was covered with brash ice, pocked with small irregular plates of
    frozen sleet. A fine, powdery mist of ice-dust blew around them in the wind,
    and when a small clot of the stuff hit the water, it melted slowly and
    reluctantly. There was no fresh snow falling, just then, but the eruption
    would change that. Still chattering cautions, Katrina helped the others ease
    the flouwen into the sluggish water, while Shirley and Sam threw an expendable
    sonar-radio transponder out into the lake.
    "And mind you keep sending those reports! I want to hear your voices
    every minute!"
    *Tired of hearing _yours_,* said Little Red rudely, but Little White
    said, ^We understand. Report begins when we get there,^ and Katrina was
    satisfied with that.
    The flouwen checked their communications link through the transponder,
    and then headed for the depths. The humans reboarded the _Dragonfly_, which
    headed off to a safe distance, with the biologists keeping contact with the
    flouwen through the commsat link to the transponder.
    * * * *
    Back at _Victoria_, Richard suited up and went out across the basalt knob to
    visit Pink-Orb, who had moved out near the knob to be closer to his human [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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