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     Is there a problem here? Deke asked casually.
    One of the men sneered at him.  Not anything that s any of your business.
    While Deke knew he was too small to take on the meatheads by himself, one of the
    benefits of being on one of the top rated shows was that security was never far behind him.
    Hooking his hand over the man s shoulder Deke said,  I can make it mine and their business
    really quick if you don t leave now.
    The men looked like they were going to argue for a moment, but they took one glance
    at the security guards, then turned around and left. As they were walking away, Blake tossed
    the card at them.  Here, make sure you take this with you, because there is no way in hell
    that I m going to be using it.
    It was only then that Deke noticed how silent the convention hall had grown. Blake
    must have realised the same thing, because his eyes grew wide as he paled.
     So, Deke, who s your friend? the People reporter asked, right before there was a flash
    as somebody took a picture.
    FAN-TASTIC Stephani Hecht 153
     It s Blake Tallision and he has the best comic out there. Deke reached out and held up
    one of the copies, happy to notice more flashes going off.  You guys really need to check it
    out. He's amazing and so talented.
    Before the rush of questions that was sure to follow could come, Deke leaned in and
    whispered,  You wore a pair of black jeans and a Pok�mon T-shirt.
    Blake scrunched his face up.  Huh?
     The night of the cast party for our high school play. It took me a minute, but I finally
    remembered. What I can t figure out is what you spent all your time drawing.
    Giving Deke a timid smile, Blake said,  Maybe someday I ll show you.
    FAN-TASTIC Stephani Hecht 154
    Chapter Two
    Blake was packing everything up for the evening when Deke approached him. As
    always, whenever he caught sight of the man s slim body and boyish grin, Blake s heart did a
    little stutter.
    Damn, one would think that after all the passing years he would have got over his
    crush, but it d only managed to grow stronger.
     So, what are you doing for dinner? Deke asked.
    Eating the other half of the comp sandwich they gave us for lunch today since I can t afford
    anything else.
    Blake shrugged.  I m tired, so I thought I would just go up to my room and crash.
     How about you let me take you out to dinner?
    Blake felt that cursed blush creeping up on his face again.  I don t know.
     Come on. I want to catch up. We can go to the steak house that s right inside the hotel.
    It s a bit pricey, but since my company is footing the bill, we can splurge.
    Wow, it had taken forever, but Blake was finally getting what he d always dreamed of,
    but never dared believe would ever come true& an invitation to a date with Deke.
     Okay, sure. I am kind of hungry, Blake conceded, his stomach doing a happy little
    Deke scrunched up his face.  Yeah, that crap they gave us for lunch was terrible.
    Actually, it had been the best food that Blake had eaten in a long time but he d die
    before he admitted that. Instead, he shoved the rest of his comics into the box, then pushed it
    all under the table.
     So, it looks like you sold a lot today, Deke observed.
     Yeah, thanks to you. I had to put in a rush order for more so I don t run out before the
    week is over. Some customers even want to order T-shirts and stuff. I ve hardly sold any of
    that merchandise before.
    FAN-TASTIC Stephani Hecht 155
    That had been yet another reason why Blake was currently broke. While it was great
    that he was gaining some attention, it had cost a fortune to rush the order. He just hoped it
    paid off in the end and he didn t go home to an empty bank account.
    If the day turned out to be a one-time hit for him, he was going to wind up taking home
    a whole bunch of junk. His gut clenched in dread as he thought about how much extra that
    could cost him at baggage claim on his flight home.
    Deke reached over and put a hand on Blake s arm.  Hey, are you okay?
     Yeah, I was wondering if today was just a fluke and tomorrow I m going to end up
    standing all by myself again.
     I seriously doubt that will happen. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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