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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] shows was always a good time: Sawyer had made a movie 273 Going to the CHapel by J. J. Massa, Alexa Snow, Jenna Jones after the tour for his fifth album and before he started work on the sixth, and had honed his interviewing skills on that publicity circuit. He'd cooked with Martha, danced with Ellen, and stared down Dave, and they all loved having him. The movie hadn't set any records or broken any new artistic ground, but it had proved Sawyer could act. He'd come such a long way from the cute but dumb boy Noah had originally taken him for, Noah thought proudly. Noah waited patiently through the first few segments of the program: jokes about the day's news, a TV actor promoting his show, a cooking lesson, a comedy sketch about paparazzi and this segued into the segment with Sawyer as Rooney Turner showed some of the pictures that had been in the tabloid and on the gossip blogs, and then brought out Sawyer. Sawyer looked well-rested and relaxed on the screen, wearing jeans and boots and an emerald-colored shirt that made his eyes look even greener. He shook Rooney's hand and waved a few times to the audience, who started cheering the moment he stepped out onto the stage and didn't stop until he'd been sitting on the stool a few minutes. A stagehand gave him a guitar, and he played and sang one of the new songs with Kit and B.J. behind him on piano and electric guitar. Noah had heard the song before, of course Sawyer had composed much of this album at the piano in the Venice house but he'd never heard it so polished and lovely. Sawyer's voice sounded strong and sweet as he sang, "'I'm 274 Going to the CHapel by J. J. Massa, Alexa Snow, Jenna Jones the kind who falls in love forever,'" and he winked at the audience when someone cheered that line particularly loudly. "People love your love songs, babe," Noah said, and Sawyer leaned his head on Noah's shoulder. After the song and a commercial break, Sawyer joined Rooney, who complimented him on the song and the new album and the movie, and they finally got to talking about the photographs. "These pictures must have been shocking and upsetting," Rooney said seriously. "Upsetting, yeah, but mostly I thought they were hot," Sawyer said and leaned his chin on his hand, smiling, as the audience started whooping again. "But a bunch of photographs doctored to make it look like you're kissing your best friend," Rooney said. "Rooney, could I interrupt you there," Sawyer said. "I came on the show today to set the record straight. Those pictures aren't doctored. Noah Kingston, the other man in the pictures, he's been my boyfriend for almost seven years. I'm gay." Rooney grinned and started applauding him, as did some of the people in the audience, though a few made "oh, no!" sounds. Sawyer smiled it looked determined to Noah and nodded. "That's very brave of you, to come out in public like this," Rooney said when everyone had quieted down again. "I don't know from brave," Sawyer said, "but I do know it's necessary. If people are going to try and use my sexuality against me, then I can't let them. I love Noah and I hate how 275 Going to the CHapel by J. J. Massa, Alexa Snow, Jenna Jones upset this has made him, so I figured it's better to be honest than to hide." "Noah Kingston," interjected Rooney, "is, of course, a renowned photographer. He did all of your album covers, isn't that right, Sawyer?" "Four of the six," Sawyer said, and the screen showed the first album cover, with a baby-faced Sawyer at nineteen. There were more wolf-whistles. "That's the first one. We met at that photo shoot." "Was it love at first sight?" asked Rooney, and Sawyer laughed. "For me it was. Noah took a few years to come around." The screen showed another picture not a professionally posed one this time, just Noah and Sawyer on vacation together, Sawyer handsome and suntanned, Noah unshaven and wet from swimming. They leaned against each other on a beach blanket, and Sawyer's head was on Noah's shoulder and his eyes were closed. Neither of them were smiling, but they both looked happy and comfortable. "Oh, my," said Rooney. "That's from last summer," said Sawyer. "He took me to Belize. It was awesome." "It sounds like the two of you have a lot of fun." "We do," Sawyer said. "Oh, we do. He's the most important thing in my life." "Is Noah watching right now?" said Rooney, looking touched. Sawyer looked at the camera and said, "I hope so." 276 Going to the CHapel by J. J. Massa, Alexa Snow, Jenna Jones Noah looked at the flesh-and-blood Sawyer at his side, who was watching him with a hopeful smile. "Well?" Sawyer said. "What do you think?" "I," Noah said, "think I love you." Sawyer smiled wide and kissed him. "Good to know you still love me," he whispered. "And that thing I asked you? Have you been thinking about that, too?" "Yeah," Noah said. "I've been thinking." When he didn't go on, Sawyer said, "That song? The falling forever song? That'll be the first single. There will be a video and everything. And." He swallowed. "The song's about you. All my love songs are about you. And I don't want to sing to another model in the video and I don't want to pretend the song is about someone else. I'm sick of pretending, Noah. I'm sick of it. I don't want to pretend anymore." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |
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