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    tity. The problem now is merely the formulation of a
    chelate which will weld to heptant, and remove it per-
    manently from operative function. I farmed out the
    problem to Didactor Vauxine Tudderstell of the Maxart
    Bio-Chemical Clinic. Basil went to the cabinet, brought
    forth an orange bottle.  Here it is anti-heptant. Water-
    soluble, non-toxic, highly effective. When it is present
    in the cerebral blood supply, it acts like the eraser button
    of a recorder, canceling whatever circuits are active, but
    inactive toward those not in use.
     Basil, Waylock declared in complete sincerity,  this
    has the ring of true genius.
     One serious problem remained, said Basil, smiling.
     We wouldn t want to cancel any portion of our patient s
    vocabulary, which would seem an inevitable by-product
    of the treatment. By sheer luck, the anti-heptant bypasses
    the vocabulary. Why this should be, I don t know, and
    at the present time don t care; I only rejoice.
     You ve tested this anti-heptant?
     In a limited sense, upon a patient whose trouble was
    only minor. Maximilian Hertzog will be the crucial sub-
     His pulse rate is approaching normal, said Waylock.
     If we re not careful, he ll 
    Basil made an easy gesture.  No cause for worry; we
    can always drop the swaddle. He indicated a harness
    suspended above the pallet.  In fact, our aim is to stimu-
    late him to mania.
    Waylock raised his eyebrows.  I should think our
    greatest concern would be to prevent it.
    Basil shook his head.  We want nothing in his mind
    except his obstacle and his troubles. Then we administer
    anti-heptant. Whisk! The heptant of the malevolent
    thought processes is completely extirpated; the circuit is
    broken and with it goes the obstacle itself. The man is
     As simple as that!
     Simple and elegant. Basil peered down into Hertzog s
    face.  He s returning to normal. Now Gavin, you handle
    the swaddle and meter the anti-heptant.
     How do I proceed?
     First we arrange a gauge to keep us informed as to
    the concentration of anti-heptant in Hertzog s brain. If
    we administer too much, we blank out too much of his
    mind: the process continues too long. Basil brought a
    contact calipers from the cabinet, fitted it to Hertzog s
    head.  The anti-heptant is faintly radioactive; we can
    easily measure its coming and going& First we standard-
    ize our instrument. Basil led a wire to the console of his
    screen, plugged it into a socket. A small area glowed
    purple. Basil twisted a dial, the spot of light became
    magenta, red, vermilion, back to red, and, as Basil
    adjusted the dial, remained red.  This is our gauge. We
    want a sufficient concentration of anti-heptant to color
    the light yellow, but not enough to tinge it green. Follow
     Good. Basil now prepared a seep hypodermic, and
    without ceremony thrust it into Hertzog s carotid artery.
    Hertzog twitched. His pulse rose to 70.
    Basil connected the tube to a reservoir.  Now, Gavin,
    notice this button. Each time you touch it you release a
    milligram of anti-heptant into Hertzog s head. Here is
    the trigger to the swaddle. When I give the word, drop
    it. Be careful not to catch me underneath it. When I sig-
    nal, tap the anti-heptant button. Understand?
    Waylock said he did.
    Basil consulted the screen.  I ll treat him with a stimu-
    lant, restore him to normal catatonia. Selecting a
    hypospray from his cabinet, he blasted a drug into
    Hertzog s blood.
    Hertzog s chest heaved; his breath came deep and
    heavy; the expression of his face pinched into its charac-
    teristic intensity. Waylock noticed him quiver, and saw
    his fingers flexing.  Careful, he s ready to go wingding.
     Good, said Basil,  that s what we want. He surveyed
    the arrangements.  Be quick on the swaddle, if neces-
    Waylock nodded.  I m ready.
     Good. Basil bent over the massive body.  Hertzog.
    Maximilian Hertzog!
    Hertzog seemed to take a slow breath.
     Hertzog! cried Basil in a hectoring voice.  Maximili-
    an Hertzog! Wake up!
    Hertzog twitched.
     Hertzog. You must wake up. I have news for you.
    Good news. Maximilian Hertzog! Hertzog s eyelashes
    flickered. Basil said to Waylock,  Anti-heptant.
    Waylock tapped the button. The tube to the needle
    pulsed, and chemical seeped into Hertzog s neck. After
    a slight pause the red light became orange and brightened
    to orange-yellow. Basil watched the color, nodded.
     Hertzog! Wake up. Good news!
    Hertzog s eyes opened a slit. The yellow began to
    deepen to red.  Anti-heptant, said Basil. Waylock tapped
    the button; the light became yellow.
     Hertzog, said Basil in a low urgent voice,  you are
    a failure. You won t make Third anti-heptant, Gav-
    in Hertzog, you tried hard, but you made mistakes. You
    have only yourself to blame. You ve thrown away life,
    A low sound like a rising wind came from Hertzog s
    throat. Basil beckoned for anti-heptant.  Maximilian
    Hertzog, he said in a hurried voice,  you are inferior.
    Other people can make Third but not you. You have
    failed. You wasted your time. You studied the wrong
    Veins appeared on Hertzog s forehead. The sound
    rasped loud in his throat.  Anti-heptant, Gavin, anti-
    Waylock tapped the button, the light glowed yellow.
    Basil returned to the quivering form.  Hertzog remember
    how you threw life away? Remember the chances you
    missed? The people who are no wiser than you but who
    are Third and Verge? And you have nothing before you
    except a ride in the high black car!
    Maximilian Hertzog slowly sat up on the pallet. He
    looked at Basil, he turned his head and fixed his stare
    on Waylock.
    No one spoke. Basil crouched; Waylock was unable to
    move or shift his stance. The light on the screen was
    once more red.
    Waylock finally asked,  More anti-heptant?
     No, said Basil in a nervous voice,  not just yet& We
    don t want to blot out too much.
     Blot out too much what? asked Maximilian Hertzog.
    He reached to his head, felt the caliper contacts, the
    dangling tube stuck into his neck.  What is all this?
     Please, said Basil, making a quick restraining gesture.
     Do not touch them; they are a necessary part of the
     Treatment? Hertzog was puzzled.  Am I ill? I feel
    fine. He rubbed his forehead.  I ve never felt better. Are
    you sure you ve got the right man? I m  he frowned.
     My name is& 
    Basil glanced significantly at Waylock. Anti-heptant
    had erased Hertzog s recollection of his name.
     Your name, said Basil,  is Maximilian Hertzog.
     Ah. Yes that s it. Hertzog looked around the room. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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