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    at my birthday party. that she was independently wealthy.
    disconsolate (dis· kän(t) sY lYt) mutable ( myu·tY·bYl)
    (adj.) (adj.)
    hopeless, sad, melancholy, dejected changeable, unstable, variable
    The grieving child was when her mother Unfortunately, my schedule this week is not
    passed away. , as I have clients coming in from
    out of town that I must meet.
    genteel (jen· t(Y)l)
    (adj.) obtuse (a s)
    b· tu
    refined, polite, elegant, gentlemanly, or ladylike (adj.)
    Though Deborah was raised in a carefree way her dull, not sharp or acute; when used to describe a
    parents let her do whatever she wanted her person, it means slow to understand or notice,
    manners are quite . or insensitive
    Even though Robert is a brilliant man, he can be
    guffaw ( Y· fo)
    about the simplest of concepts.
    a loud, rough burst of laughter omniscient (a
    m· ni·shYnt)
    Martin tends to rather than laugh quietly. (adj.)
    all-knowing; having universal knowledge of all things
    The Judeo-Christian God is believed to be
    pallor ( pa·lYr) sycophant ( si·kY·fYnt)
    (noun) (noun)
    lack of color; unnatural paleness, often used to a person who tries to get ahead by flattering people of
    describe a face wealth or power
    She was struck by the eerie of the strange Only a shameless could tell the boss that
    man who always peered out from the windows his horribly ugly orange tie is nice.
    of his dark house.
    wallow ( wa·lM)
    partisan ( pa (verb)
    (adj.) to roll about pleasantly in water or mud; can also be
    strongly in favor of one side or political party; blindly used to mean to overindulge in something
    or unreasonably devoted to a party pleasurable
    The senator knew he would not be able to persuade We watched the pigs in the mud and lis-
    his peers. tened to their squeals of delight.
    purloin (pYr· loi n)
    Words in Context
    The following exercise will help you figure out the
    to steal
    meaning of some words from Vocabulary List 14 by
    Did you that new coat you re wearing?
    reading context clues. After you have read and under-
    You can t afford one like that!
    stood the paragraph, explain the context clues that
    helped you with the meaning of the vocabulary word.
    resonant ( re·zYn·Ynt)
    Refer to the answer section at the end of this chapter for
    an explanation of the clues.
    used to describe sounds, it usually means vibrant,
    full, ringing, intensified, resounding, rich
    After we rang the doorbell, someone let us
    Everyone loved to hear his bass voice fill
    in, and we immediately turned on our
    the concert hall.
    most genteel manners. We mingled a little
    rubric ( ru·brik)
    with the adults and some of the other kids
    there, and no one seemed to realize that we
    a formal way to say name or title, or a category of
    were crashing the party. Our plan was
    something; an established rule or tradition
    working smoothly when Pete suddenly
    We found what we were looking for under the gen-
    erupted with a loud guffaw after Joe
    eral of respiratory diseases.
    whispered a wisecrack in his ear. Pete s
    insouciance is one of the things we love
    smidgen ( smi·jYn)
    about him, but sometimes such a happy-
    go-lucky attitude can be a problem. He can
    a very small particle; an insignificant piece or
    be absolutely obtuse about when and where
    he ought to restrain himself. When those
    I am not sure what it does, but my aunt always adds a
    around us quieted and cast disapproving
    of dill to the dish.
    stares in our direction, we wandered off in
    search of a bevy of young ladies to enter-
    tain. We found a few in the large dining
    room. Pete approached one with an oddly
    attractive pallor to her face, which was 3. His manners were a
    accentuated by her beautiful dark eyes and pleasant, new side to him we had not seen before.
    gorgeous black hair. He made them all
    laugh within a few moments, and then Pete 4. The cord was unplugged and I knew the blades
    introduced us to the pale girl s two friends. were , so I thought it
    We asked the three of them to dance. Two was safe to try and repair the fan.
    said yes, but the third remained inert, so I
    stayed to talk to her. She was disconsolate. I 5. The manager told all the new housekeepers that
    soon learned she had recently broken up he did not want to see even a
    with the boy she had been dating and had of dirt or dust any-
    come to the party only at her friends insis- where in the hotel.
    tence. She had been making a few attempts
    to enjoy herself, but she was ambivalent 6. If a story is written from an
    about meeting anyone or trying to have a point of view, the
    good time. Knowing that a good remedy reader can learn what all of the characters are
    for an aching heart can be two moving feet, thinking.
    I pulled her out onto the dance floor. By
    the end of the party, she was laughing and 7. Joe felt about hearing
    singing, and on the way out all three girls his best friend had been accepted at the univer-
    thanked the hostess for inviting such sity because it was so far from home.
    charming young gentlemen to dance with. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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