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    Precision Coater (Niro)
    less contact. Further, it is also important that part
    of the air moves horizontally toward the partition With reference to the traditional fluidized bed
    to provide the transport energy for moving coater, a large portion of the air flows into the bed
    particles to the airlift. The ratio of air volumes around the column. This allows particles to flood
    moving in these two directions is dependent upon into area around the spray nozzle by virtue of the
    the geometry of the apparatus. Different types of hydrostatic head of the bed. The Precision coater57
    air distributor plates have been designed such as (GEA-Aeromatic Fielder, Eastleigh Hampshire,
    Gill Plate, Precision coater (Niro) and Huttlin s air UK; presently Niro Inc.) is similar to the Wurster
    distribution plate. coater except for its mode of air distribution. The
    air distribution plate in the Precision coater
    consists of a perforated plate connected to the
    Swirl Accelerator (GEA-Aeromatic Fielder). The
    The Gill Plate
    Swirl Accelerator functions to swirl and accelerate
    In past, the sandwich-type construction was the inlet air to impart spinning movement and
    employed in fluid-bed systems. In this typically high velocity to particles as they transport
    a fine screen of 60-325 mesh covered the air through the partition column where coating takes
    distributor plate which retained the finer product place. This modified process changes fluid
    in the container. However, the major drawback of dynamics of the particles. Thus in the precision
    this was the challenge to keep the screen and air coater more amounts of air are directed into the
    distributors clean. To solve this problem, in 1990s coating column via an insert plate and the swirl
    the overlap Gill Plate was introduced.56 This plate accelerator as compared to the Wurster coater.
    provided excellent air distribution and also there This specific design creates a much higher process
    was no need of the fine screen. air speed adjacent to the nozzle and generates a
    Batch fluid-bed technology for Niro is developed low-pressure zone that sucks particles into the
    by sister-company Aeromatic-Fielder (Switzer- core of the coating tube. The air with high speed
    land and UK). Their systems use Gill PlateTM causes individual particulates to spin allowing a
    air distributor plate (Fig. 6). The Gill plate is much more uniform coating. Accelerator inserts
    extensively employed in continuous fluid-bed with smaller inlet diameters generates higher air
    dryers. Unlike the sandwich-type air distributor, velocities, which increases the pressure differen-
    the Gill plate is easier to clean. These nonsifting tial across the partition gap. However, it must
    Gill plate air distributors are typically appro- be noted that very high air velocities may cause
    priate for a unit in which the container is fixed particles to hit onto the top of the chamber causing
    attrition. The swirl accelerator generates a rota- centre of the bottom. In the equipment there are
    tional component to the air stream which when openings at the bottom for spray guns.
    combined with the high speed of the air stream
    ensures that the individual particles are kept
    Air Lift
    separate so that it is possible to operate at higher
    humid conditions without the risk of agglomera-
    The travel of air from the perimeter of the plate
    tion. In the process, evaporation rate is also higher
    toward the partition should be horizontal in order
    such that particles are dried and will not
    to move particles at a uniform rate from all areas
    agglomerate long before they return to the bed
    of the bottom of the down flow bed. The air
    around the coating tube. Since the partition gap is
    entering through the outer areas of the support
    known to affect the pressure differential, it has
    plate will not move toward the air lift unless that
    greater influence on MFR in precision coating
    pathway offers less resistance to flow than the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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