Gabrielle Evans [Lawful Disorder 01] Lipstick and Handguns [Siren Classic] (pdf)
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    stretching and seeking the light it anticipated would now be filtering through
    the closed eye-
    lids, and finding instead only utter darkness, turning back in confusion, and
    by such confusion fermenting, like milk souring, the thoughts in the space of
    the dreamer.
    Then, too, an explanation could lie in the fact that the body on the bed was
    made of DNA linked and multiplied within these walls, his life strands
    crocheted, perhaps, upon the very mattress on which he lay. Were there
    memories awakening in the nucleus of his cells? Memories that were now wafting
    up in trickles to his mind the way gas bled from a valve that had been jarred
    Shouldn't his first night in this castle, his first unconscious dive within
    the walls to which he was prodigal son, have some profound effect and import?
    Or was the explanation, simply, that he was the world's biggest fool?
    He had been dreaming about the castle. Only, in the dream, the castle was vast
    and maze-
    like, and he was lost in it, wandering from room to room, trying to find the
    library. But the corridors were like the ones at Tulane: blankly alike, empty,
    and confusing. It was after a seem-
    ingly endless hunt that he found himself in the chapel.
    Except that it wasn't the chapel. The pews and altar were gone. Everything was
    gone except for the stained-glass window far up ahead, shining in the
    darkness. The space he had entered felt like an attic, like an enormous top
    floor that stretched the length of the castle. Beneath his feet were wooden
    planks, and he could feel the vast-
    Page 153
    ABC Amber Palm Converter,
    ness of the black space surrounding him by virtue of the hollow echoing moan
    of the wind as it moved in and through the rotting beams of the roof.
    Conscious that the floor might be just as
    rotten, he inched toward the window, though he wanted nothing other than to
    turn around and leave. But something (Wolfgang) made him con-
    tinue. And then, quite abruptly, he was there, looking up at the hundreds of
    dazzling pieces in the window's pattern, gems glittering in the moonlight.
    He had no more than reached the spot when there came a noise; an earsplitting,
    screeching noise. He clamped his hands over his ears, screamed once at the
    excruciating pain of it, then screamed again when he saw the source; the
    screeching was that of glass and metal bending.
    The dragon in the window was turning its head.
    The beast looked down at him from its place in the window, its red glass eyes
    sparkling with dis-
    dain. Then, to a further cacophony of noise-pain, it turned its body and
    pulled loose from the window, one massive clawed foot landing on the wooden
    floor with an earthquakelike shudder, then the other. The window screamed
    again as it pulled its wings free from their surrounding blue glass sky.
    The dragon towered over Gabriel unsteadily as it changed. The glass smoke
    became real puffs, the flames real sparks, as its nostrils solidified. Its
    body expanded into three dimen-
    sions, filling out and back and around like an illusion of invisibility being
    slowly withdrawn.
    Its scales still reflected like glass shards, but now they overlaid and
    defined real meat. When it had stretched and filled to its content, it settled
    its newly massive frame down onto its light-throwing haunches, like a lizard
    squatting on a rock.
    To Gabriel's surprise, the dragon spoke.
    "Your soul smells, Gabriel Knight."
    The voice was deep and dank and decayed. It echoed in his brain, conjuring up
    the image of a deep stone pit where the living are thrown to die amid the
    jutting bones of corpses. Gabriel could see the beast's gigantic nostrils
    breathing him in, weighing him by the subtleties of odor, the way a jackal
    might judge a deer. If the curl of its teeth-
    laden lips were any indication, it found his aroma particularly unpleasant.
    "You wish to be Schattenjager?" The question was incredulous, insulting.
    "I do," he replied. He considered fear, but decided against it. He had the
    measure of his opponent as well, and he wasn't going to let some
    overgrown satanic iguana intimidate him.
    "You seek purification. How much sin do you have to burn?"
    The dragon drew back its head and expelled a jet of fire, drawing a line, left
    to right, between itself and the human before it. Gabriel looked at the line [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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