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    waterfalls and other natural wonders. Overhead rang the raucous calls of birds and small
    mammals. A heady perfume of tropical flowers and rich, damp volcanic earth filled my
    nostrils. Higher in the sky, the gulls soared ahead of us as though announcing our arrival.
    The trail wound slowly upward. My companion and I rounded one last bend and
    stepped into a secluded glade ringed with brightly colored hibiscus.
    As we passed into the clearing, musicians began pounding a compelling rhythm on
    skin drums. We moved forward, along ground that rose in ripples that looked as if they
    had been formed by the downward movement of an ancient lava flow. The rising ground
    made for a natural dais at the far end of the clearing, perhaps a hundred yards to the
    right of a steep waterfall that splashed noisily into a wide pool of water so clear and pure
    I could clearly see every stone and swimming fish.
    I didn t waste much time looking at it or any of the other natural wonders surrounding
    me. Because we had come into the presence of royalty, judging by the arrangement of
    six thrones carved from the native stone, in graduating sizes and complexity leading to
    the massive center chair.
    The thrones were occupied, each chair seating a siren of imperious beauty. While I
    couldn t be sure, I could almost guess which woman represented which ocean based on
    their appearance. Each was completely unique in her appeal, coloring, and dress. One
    throne was empty. I presumed it was for the Atlantic queen who no longer existed.
    They were dark skinned and light, Asian and Caucasian. One woman bore a
    particularly striking resemblance to Ren presumably her mother, queen of the
    Mediterranean branch. A tiny woman with Japanese features was, I assumed, the ruler of
    the Sea of Japan.
    On the center and largest throne sat a tall blond woman who looked remarkably like
    me, only better. A lot better. Her blond hair was loose, flowing unhindered to the waist of
    a crimson lavalava hemmed in glittering gold. Her skin was too fair to actually tan, but it
    had the hint of a warm glow. All of her features were beautiful, but her eyes . . . her eyes
    were unforgettable. Because while she had the body of a youth, one look in those storm
    gray depths and you knew she was ancient. There was both wisdom and cold,
    implacable pragmatism in her gaze. I knew I should look at each of the queens, take their
    measure. But I couldn t seem to look away from Queen Lopaka.
    Even without the benefit of my vampire talents I would ve felt the power in that clearing.
    It was thick, thrumming, almost a separate, living presence that grew with each passing
    Ren appeared beside Hiwahiwa and the two of them led me forward until I stood
    directly in front of the row of thrones. The drumming continued, growing in intensity as
    more women, sirens all, filed into the clearing, sitting on the ground in groups of four or
    five on either side of the main path.
    At a tiny gesture from Lopaka, the noise of the drums and the murmurs of the crowd
    stopped in an instant. The rushing splash of water was deafening in the sudden silence.
    Hiwahiwa bent almost double before her queen, her long hair brushing the ground at
    her feet.  Your Majesties. I present to you the abomination, Celia Kalino Graves.
    Abomination. Great. Just great. Although I suppose it was better to find out right at the
    beginning where I stood.
    She means no insult. It is simply a label for what you are: not human, not siren, not
    even vampire.
    The voice in my head was calm and melodic, as if it was set to music I couldn t quite
    hear, a song so heartbreakingly pure that I d never forget it if I did.
    I shook my head, trying to break the spell. It didn t help much. But that was all right. The
    warmth of the unheard music clashed in harsh counterpoint against the harsh words of
    the tiny Japanese queen. She rose from her throne next to Lopaka. Glaring at me with
    cold, dark eyes, her beautiful features twisted into an expression of disgust.
    Again the words formed inside my skull. This creature, this . . . thing . . . has no place
    among us. Siren blood may be in her veins, but it is blood corrupted. She was
    summoned to appear before us weeks ago. Where has she been? She hasn t even
    the decency to show respect by bringing a gift for the queen of her line.
    There was no sound, but I could feel the stirring of their minds against mine. Psychics.
    They were all psychics. Well, I d guessed as much and Hiwahiwa s actions on the way
    here had warned me. Had she done it deliberately? I was grateful either way.
    Each voice in my head had its own melody. Some beautiful, some harsh. It wasn t [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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