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    not many left now in their wild state.'
    'They're so vulnerably friendly and tame. It's too easy to capture them
    and put them into zoos.'
    Faun nodded and a frown touched her brow.
    'They're protected now, so their plight will not be so perilous.' She
    spoke seriously, her eyes a little brooding and faintly sad. Clive, his
    attention caught, was looking at her with an odd expression. He
    seemed different, somehow not quite so arrogant and forbidding
    either in his appearance or his manner.
    However, he made no comment on what she had said, and soon she
    was alone, watching his tall figure as he sauntered away towards the
    shelter in which Malcolm was resting.
    With a faint sigh Faun wandered along the river bank, musing on
    several things as they flitted through her mind. She thought of her
    parents and sister; they would be almost out of their minds with
    worry, imagining all sorts of disasters that could have befallen the
    occupants of the luxury aircraft which had gone out to Bali to pick up
    her new employer. The firm would be unable to supply any
    information to any of the relatives of the crew, and the staff
    themselves must be going through a most anxious time. However,
    search parties would be out and sooner or later they would be over
    this jungle. They would be alerted by the fires which were already
    prepared, with cans of petrol standing close. Tommy and Clive were
    taking turns to stay up all night, in readiness to set the fires alight
    should they hear an aircraft anywhere within the vicinity.
    At length Faun turned, retracing her steps. She glanced up, to the little
    plateau on a small rise where they had made their new camp. It was
    drier than the area they had occupied at first. Shelters had been made
    of bamboo framework with palm roofs, which meant that nothing
    from the plane had had to be used. The parachute canopies were
    draped over the trees and could be seen from the air; a huge sheet of
    tinfoil had also been utilised in a similar manner, but this was spread
    on the ground. It glittered in the sun and would be picked out at once
    if an aircraft should happen to be flying overhead.
    Clive had allocated tasks. Faun's was the cooking, which at first was
    nothing more than warming up tinned food. However, Clive soon
    decided they must supplement their rations with what they could find
    around them. He sent Ingrid off to look for wild fruit; she went only
    after much grumbling and protesting. After the incident of the leech
    she refused to move far from the camp and in fact spent most of her
    time in the aircraft, playing patience or reading the glossy magazines
    which the airline always provided in quantity. She was bored; she
    complained of everything, not least of which was the food. She
    grumbled about not not being able to take a bath, whereupon Faun
    pointed out that Tommy had fixed up a shower, using one of the large
    water-containers which he attached to a rope. This rope was tied to a
    branch of a tree and the area around it was screened by bamboo poles
    draped with palm leaves.
    'I'm not stripping off and getting under a bucket!' said Ingrid
    disgustedly. 'For one thing, what about the insects?'
    Faun shrugged her shoulders, but Malcolm, having recovered his
    sense of humour if not his full health, was unable to resist saying,
    'Yes, indeed. You might be stung where it's difficult to fix a dressing!'
    Ingrid glowered at him, while Tommy laughed outright. Clive wasn't
    present and so this mortifying experience suffered by his girl-friend
    was not witnessed by him. Faun had a strong suspicion, though, that it
    would not have occurred had Clive been there.
    Becoming more and more irritated by Ingrid's complaints, Faun
    decided to let the girl have the exclusive use of the aircraft, as it was
    no fun lying there at night, being kept awake by Ingrid's pettish and
    fault-finding remarks.
    'We'll have to ask Clive before we can build a shelter,' Tommy said
    when Faun asked for his assistance in constructing one of the palm
    and bamboo wigwam-like structures such as the men now had. 'Once
    we've got his permission we can begin.'
    'Permission?' repeated Faun, and it was not until he noticed her
    expression that Tommy knew he had made a slip.
    'Well ...' He looked apologetically at her. 'He told you to use the
    aircraft, and you can't change your plans without consulting the
    leader. It's all part of the rules, Faun. You know it as well as I do.'
    Her mouth went tight.
    'I'll make the shelter myself--'
    'You'll never be able to cut that bamboo. It's tough.'
    'There's a chopper we took from the aircraft. You and Clive used it
    with success.' She reflected for a moment on the way Clive had been
    able to help with the shelters. He had managed to use his right hand
    quite well and now he was scarcely affected by the plaster at all. He
    was tough and no mistake. He had no intention of allowing a thing
    like a Colles' fracture to put him out of action for long.
    'You're supposed to use your hand,' had been his curt rejoinder when
    Tommy had warned him to take care. 'It does it good.'
    'You can't wield that chopper!' exclaimed Tommy, quite appalled at
    the idea. But Faun merely let that pass, and went off to collect
    suitable lengths of bamboo.
    Inevitably Clive saw her and demanded to know what she was about.
    'It's time you were preparing the lunch,' he added before she could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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