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    week. And if you're going to lose ten pounds and then put on a dress, this dress is the one to put on. It
    molds itself to my body like it was made just for me.
    Woot! I'm going to look sooo good.
    Seriously. I'm not one for bragging, but as I study myself in the mirror, I realize I'm suddenly superhot.
    Like Paris Hilton hot, if Paris were five foot four. I just hope I don't turn back into a pumpkin at midnight
    when I drink the Grail blood. That would royally suck.
    "Done checking yourself out?"
    I whirl around. Rayne is standing in the doorway, a scowl on her face.
    "Go away," I growl, shooting her a glare before turning back to the mirror. No need for her to ruin
    what's sure to be the best night of my life.
    "Wait. Sunny," she says, ignoring my order and stepping into the room. Gah. I knew I should have
    installed a lock on my door. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"
    "Go through with what?" I ask. "Going to the prom with Jake? Of course I'm sure. It's what I've
    dreamed about since I first laid eyes on the guy freshman year."
    "No. Not that. The . . . other thing."
    "Are you kidding?" I ask, incredulously. I cannot believe that after all of this she'sstill trying to get me to
    change my mind. As if. "Believe you me, Rayne. I am so ready to skip out on the vampire world. In fact,
    I wish it were midnight right now. I'd be downing that Grail blood like it's a Cherry Slurpee from
    7-Eleven. And you know how I live for Cherry Slurpees from 7-Eleven."
    "And what about Magnus?"
    My heart sinks. Why did she have to bring up the M-word? I'd never admit it to her, of course, but I've
    been missing the guy like crazy. Wondering what he's doing. How the coven takeover is going. If they've
    crowned him king yet. And more important, if they've assigned him a new blood mate. And whether that
    blood mate happens to be my twin sister.
    I know Magnus was mad at my decision to go to the prom, but deep inside, I guess I'd hoped he
    wouldn't drop off the face of the earth. That he'd still be in my life. I don't knowhow exactly. After all,
    he's not the type to swing by for tea. Or to call up and ask me out to dinner and a movie or something.
    But still. . .
    Anyhow, it seems as if that wasn't meant to be. After peel-ing out of my driveway last night, he's not
    called or e-mailed or IM'ed or anything. He's just disappeared from my life like he'd never been in it at
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    Not that I mind. I'm glad, actually. It's better this way.
    Kind of.
    Okay, not really.
    "What about Magnus?" I repeat. "Who cares about him?"
    Ido! I do!
    Shut up, heart. You don't count in this case.
    "Oh," Rayne replies in an odd voice. In fact, if I didn't know better, I'd think she sounded almost
    disappointed. Which wouldn't make the least bit of sense, considering she's the one hoping to play
    Rebound Girl with him. My disinterest should be good news for her. She can have her way with him and
    live vampily ever after and I won't say a word in objection.
    "Okay, then," Rayne adds after a long pause. "If you're sure."
    Jeez, what is her problem? "Look, Rayne," I say, a little annoyed, mainly because I have no idea what
    she's getting at and all this thinking about Magnus is doing nasty things to my insides, "as fascinating as
    this conversation has been, I'm running a bit late. So if you don't mind, I'd like to cut the chitchat and get
    ready for my date with the Sex God."
    "Oh. I see. Okay. Fine. Whatever." Rayne immediately turns and stomps out of the room.
    I turn back to the mirror, feeling a little guilty for being so rude. What's wrong with me lately? She's my
    twin sister. The person I grew up with. The one who knows me better than anyone.
    "Hrmumph," I huff as I pick a stray piece of blond hair off the dress. That just goes to show you. If she
    knew me bet-ter than anyone, she'd know that I'm fully vested into chang-ing back into a human tonight.
    That I'm in love with Jake Wilder. Not Magnus.
    Nope. Rayne doesn't know me at all.
    Desperate Prom Dates
    Jake's prompt. He's rented a limo. And he's dressed in a divine tux. What more could I want in a prom
    date? He comes to the door and he has a corsage. His cummerbund matches my dress. He smiles at me
    and calls my mom "ma'am," and he doesn't even bat an eye when she tells him to call her Susan and
    explains her crazy government conspir-acy theory that terms like "ma'am" were put into place to keep
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    women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. (Yeah, I don't get her sometimes either.)
    In short, Jake is perfect. A dream come true.
    So why can't I muster any enthusiasm?
    He tells "Susan" he'll have me back at a decent hour. He allows me to get into the limo first. He offers
    me a glass of champagne in a fluted glass.
    If you looked upperfect prom date in the dictionary, Jake's handsome mug would be staring right back
    at you.
    So why am I stifling the urge to yawn?
    "To the most beautiful girl at Oakridge High School," he says, as we clink glasses.
    "Why are we toasting Mary Markson?" I ask with a giggle.
    He scrunches his eyebrows in honest confusion. "I meant you, Sunny," he stammers. "I'm sorry, I guess I
    should have been more clear."
    "Um, I know that," I assure him. "I was just making a joke." A pretty obvious one, I would have thought,
    but I de-cide to cut him some slack. I can tell he's nervous. Isn't that too funny? Oakridge High's resident
    Sex God is nervous around little old me. Who would have thunk it?
    I lean back in my seat and take a sip of my champagne. This is nice. Speeding to the prom in a deluxe
    limo with the most delectable guy in school sitting right across from me. I steal a quick peek. He really is
    so hot, with those brooding eyes and killer bod. De-lish. And he's all mine.
    "I'm so glad you decided to come to the prom with me," Jake continues, giving me a once-over that can
    only be de-scribed as reverent. "I was so scared to ask you."
    Imagine! Me scaring a boy! A boy like Jake Wilder scared of me! Too, too funny.
    "I'm glad you did," I say, dipping my eyes to appear demure. "I've liked you for a while now."
    "Really?" Jake looks surprised. "It's funny, I didn't know you existed until that day in drama."
    Ah, there's the icy water of reality dumped on my head. I take a big gulp of champagne, wishing it was
    blood. I realize I'd been secretly hoping he'd say he'd been lusting after me all year. Then I could report
    back to Rayne that he really does like me for me and not 'cause of some weird vampire mat-ing call.
    But, um, not so much, it appears. Oh well.
    "When we were on stage and I kissed you, it was just like my whole world changed in that instant.
    Everything I was, everything I wanted from life all disappeared in a flash of light. At that moment, I
    realized that I could easily spend all eternity with you."
    O-kay then. This is getting a bit on the creepy, stalkerish side, I have to admit. I mean, don't get me
    wrong having the love of my life spout sonnets of devotion to me while drinking champagne in a luxury
    limo is extremely cool and all. But knowing he's only doing it 'cause I've inadvertently bewitched him kind
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    of sucks.
    I ask you: Is it so hard for a boy to like me for me? To adore and speak passionately about the real life
    Sunshine McDonald, not her vampire alter ego?
    You mean like Magnus does}that annoying voice in my head asks.The one guy you know is not
    influenced by the Vampire Scent}
    No. Not like Magnus,I tell the stupid voice. I really hope it goes away with the rest of the vampire stuff.I
    want a hu-man boy to feel that way about me.
    Jake reaches over and starts stroking my knee. "Did I mention how beautiful you are?" he asks.
    I stifle another yawn. This is going to be a long night.
    We arrive at the prom and parade around the parking lot so all the parents, who evidently have nothing
    better to do and a lot of film to waste, can clap and cheer and take photo af-ter photo. Of course when [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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